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How to Remove Labels from Glass Jars

2023-02-09 - Article ID: 6053

Remove label
Removing labels from glass jars can be a challenge, especially if the label is old and has been on the jar for a long time. The glue used to attach the label can be strong and difficult to remove, leaving residue on the jar. But with a few simple steps, you can successfully remove the label and leave your jar clean and ready for reuse. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to remove labels from glass jars.

Step by Step Guide

  1. step1

    Soak the Jar
    Fill a sink or basin with warm, soapy water and place the jar in it. Soak the jar for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will help to loosen the glue on the label and make it easier to remove.

  2. step2

    Lift the Edge of the Label
    Once the jar has soaked, use a plastic scraper or a credit card to gently lift a corner of the label. Start at a corner and work your way around the label, gradually lifting it until it is completely separated from the jar.

  3. step3

    Peel off the Label
    Once you have lifted a corner of the label, grab the edge and slowly peel it off, pulling it towards you. If the label is particularly stubborn, try using a plastic scraper or credit card to gently scrape it off while pulling.

  4. step4

    Clean Residual
    If there is any residual adhesive left on the jar, gently rub it with a cloth dipped in warm, soapy water or vinegar. If the residue is particularly stubborn, you can also try using a baking soda and water paste, or even a commercial adhesive remover.

  5. step5

    Rinse & Dry the Jar
    Once you have removed all of the adhesive, rinse the jar with warm water and dry it with a clean cloth. You may also want to let the jar air dry for a few hours to ensure that it is completely dry and free of any residue.

If the label is especially stubborn and does not come off easily, you can try using a few additional methods to remove it. One option is to soak the jar in a mixture of warm water and vinegar for a few hours. The acidic properties of vinegar can help to break down the glue and make it easier to remove the label. Another option is to use a commercial adhesive remover, which can be found at most hardware stores or online. Simply apply the adhesive remover to the label, let it sit for a few minutes, and then gently peel off the label. In addition to the above methods, there are also a few tips to keep in mind when removing labels from glass jars.

Few Reminders

  1. Be patient: Removing labels from glass jars can take some time, especially if the label is old or particularly stubborn. Take your time and don’t be too aggressive, as this could damage the jar or leave residue.

  2. Be gentle: When peeling off the label, use a gentle, slow motion. Do not use excessive force, as this can damage the jar or leave residue.

  3. Avoid using abrasive materials: Do not use abrasive materials, such as sandpaper or steel wool, to remove the label. These materials can scratch the surface of the jar and make it difficult to clean.

  4. Reuse the jar: Once you have removed the label from the jar, consider reusing it for storage, crafting, or another purpose. Glass jars are versatile and can be used for a variety of projects, making them a great addition to your home.


In summary, removing labels from glass jars can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools and techniques, it is possible to get the job done. So, the next time you have a glass jar with a stubborn label, give these steps a try and you'll have a clean and clear jar in no time.

A credit card or a scraper is suffice to scrap off the label if it's stubborn to remove.
Gently rub it with a cloth dipped in warm, soapy water or even vinegar. If the residue still wont peel off, you can also try using a baking soda or even a commercial adhesive remover.
Soak the jar for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will soften the glue on the label which will make it easier to remove.

Glass Drinkware

About Author

曼根盧克 Luke

Graduated with a Masters degree from Ireland with a Masters degree in Business Information system. English native speaker specialising in business and data analyst. Currently enrolled in Tunghai University's language centre for studying Mandarin Chinese and undertaking a student marketing internship at SourceEC. My role involves content writing, SEO analysis and web page optimisation After my studies and completion of this internship, I am hoping to pursue a career in data analytics in the digital marketing field in Asia.
